
  • Choose Your Platform

  • A good eCommerce site has an easy-to-use interface that helps users easily find the items they need and purchase them with a few clicks. But there is a lot more underneath the visible part of the eCommerce site that keep it functioning smoothly. An eCommerce site has a backend where a lot of background tasks are carried out. These tasks include cataloguing the products according to their categories, purchase order generation and sharing with the concerned parties such as manufacturers, trade partners, etc., inventory management, invoice generation, shipment tracking, etc.

    For the site to function well in the front end as well as the back end, they both need to be integrated thoroughly, so that all those background tasks occur in complete coordination with the front end. Only when the front end actions of a customer works in synergy with the background tasks that lead to smooth order placement, processing and shipment, you can offer a good customer experience and achieve customer satisfaction. This integration process is called the eCommerce Platform Integration, and it is crucial for your success in eCommerce.

    Arizon Digital has proven expertise in eCommerce platform integration. Our team works with you closely to assess and understand your business needs, and suggest the platform that suits your requirements. We have experts with years of experience dedicated to integrating eCommerce sites to a specific ERP platform. By involving this team of experts, we make sure your site is integrated thoroughly with the ERP and functions smoothly and efficiently.

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